پشتیبانی آنلاین
پشتیبانی همیشگی آنلاین جهت حل مشکلات شما
در صورت عدم رضایت از سرویس ارائه شده هزینه شما تا 7 روز بعد قابل برگشت است
تمامی سرویس های پی سی سرور از نظر کیفیت تضمین شده هستند
پشتیبانی تلفی برای همه مشتریان عزیز
پنل مشترکین
آدرس ایمیل:

کلمه عبور:

مرا به خاطر بسپار

شماره حساب ها
پرداخت آنلاین فوری
طرف قرارداد با بانک ملت
بانک ملت
آموزش نصب Virtualizor روی centos 6.5

Installing the operating system is fairly standard and I will not cover it in this tutoral. For raid1 to work you will need to have atleast 2 identical hard drives. On installation you will need to set a custom partition layout so that enough space is left to create volume groups. I usually set the following:

/ 140GB ext3 (raid1)
swap 10GB

This is enough space for the operating system and a collection of images.

Create the partitions

Once you have installed the operating system we can create the partitions that will hold the physical volume:

fdisk /dev/sda
n <enter> (Create a new partition)
p <enter> (It should be a primary partition)
3 <enter> (This will become the thrid partition)
<enter> (Use default calculated value for start cylinder)
<enter> (Use default calculated value for end cylinder)
t <enter> (Change the partition type)
3 <enter> (Select the partition number)
8e <enter> (Partition type will be 8e)
w <enter> (write to disk)

fdisk /dev/sdb
n <enter> (Create a new partition)
p <enter> (It should be a primary partition)
3 <enter> (This will become the thrid partition)
<enter> (Use default calculated value for start cylinder)
<enter> (Use default calculated value for end cylinder)
t <enter> (Change the partition type)
3 <enter> (Select the partition number)
8e <enter> (Partition type will be 8e)
w <enter> (write to disk)

You will need to reboot to load the new partition table:


Create the volume group

Now we can setup the raid device:

mdadm --create /dev/md2 --level=raid1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3
y <enter>

Next add a physical volume and create a volume group

pvcreate /dev/md2
vgcreate vg /dev/md2

You can check the re-sync status of the raid by running the following:

mdadm -D /dev/md2

Install Virtualizor

The instructions for installing Virtualizor can be found at the following URLs. In this tutorial I will use the KVM method.

You can check that the volume group has created with the correct name (e.g. vg) using the following:

vgdisplay -A

Now it is time to download and run the Virtualizor installer:

cd /tmp
wget -N http://files.virtualizor.com/install.sh
chmod 0755 install.sh
./install.sh email=your@email.com kernel=kvm lvg=vg
y <enter>

Connect to your server

Virtualizor is now installed and you can access it with the following details:

URL: https://your-server.com:4085
Username: root
Password: (your root password)

تاریخ ارسال: 2014-08-14           تعداد بازدید: 11535           نویسنده: admin
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